Sources for Events Happening Near Province Lake and
(& Conferences That May Be of Interest)

Sponsored by:
The Carriage House Bistro & Tavern
at Province Lake Golf Course
This page is a source for you to find out about non-profit events happening near Province Lake that are educational, a chance to volunteer, or just plain fun! It also now includes regional conferences that may be of interest to those who have a deeper interest in environmental matters, especially if they relate to lakes.
Our Events page sponsor, renewed for another year, The Carriage House Bistro & Tavern, is located at
18 Mountain Road,
at the corner of Rt. 153 at Province Lake Golf Course in Parsonsfield, Maine. Dine indoors or outdoors, or order take-out.
Reach them at (207) 793-9612 and on .
Local Conservation Groups
Regional Conservation Groups
- Maine VLMP
- New Hampshire Lakes Association
- NH Audubon
- York County Invasive Aquatic Species Project
- New Hampshire Rivers Council
- Lake Winnipesaukee Association
- Loon Center Summer Nature Talk Series
- Northeast Natural History Conference (NENHC, April 4-6, 2025, Springfield, MA)
- Eagle Hill Institute
- NH Lakes Association Annual Lakes Congress
- NH Water & Watershed Conference
- Southern New England Weather Conference
- International Dark-Sky Association
- Native Plant Symposium
Local Interest/Festivals
- Parsonsfield Seminary.
- Annual Loon Festival
- Parsonsfield-Porter Historical Society
- Towle Farm Community
- NH365
- East Wakefield Town Planner
- Annual Granite Day Fair.
- The Maine Outdoor Film Festival
- Wakefield Lions Club
- Remick Museum & Farm
- The Barnstormers Theatre
- Great Waters Music Festival
- The Village Players
- Wakefield Opera House
- Moose Mountain Jazz Band
- Village Harmony
To request a listing of your event, please send an email with the details and your contact information to .

KEEP IN TOUCH: An email newsletter covers various topics related to water quality, invasive species, or other issues that have some bearing on the region surrounding Province Lake. Sign up by clicking the image to the right, then confirming your subscription on the confirmation email you will automatically receive. This system ensures that only people who sign themselves up will receive the newsletter.
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