Province Lake Statistics from the Individual Lake Report
This NEW page is a place for you to read the physical statistics of the lake and its watershed, derived from the Individual Lake Report.
Maximum depth | 4.9 meters | 16.1 feet | |
Average depth | 2.8 meters | 9.2 feet | |
Volume | 11,268,500 cubic meters | 2.98 billion gallons | 9,135 acre-feet |
Lake area (in both states) | 410.37 hectares | 1,014 acres | 1.58 square miles |
Watershed area (including lake surface) | 1,890.7 hectares | 4,672 acres | 7.30 square miles |
Shoreline Length | 8,500 meters | 28,000 feet | 5.3 miles |
Elevation above sea level | 146 meters | 480 feet | 0.091 mile |
Flush rate | 1.0 time per year | (annual outflow = lake volume) |
Want other stats? Ask and I'll see if I can find them. Send an email to .

At left is a map of the land use within the 7.30 square mile Province Lake watershed. Scott Ashley of NH DES provided this map showing the land use distribution as of 2006, the most recent year for which data are available. The source is: Fry, J., Xian, G., Jin, S., Dewitz, J., Homer, C., Yang, L., Barnes, C., Herold, N., and Wickham, J., 2011. Completion of the 2006 National Land Cover Database for the Conterminous United States, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing (PE&RS), Vol. 77(9):858-864. Click on the map to view a higher resolution image.
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